(90 minute rate)

90 minute blocks coaching and critique are best suited to the following:

  • People who aren’t yet ready to undertake a project, but want to explore establishing a writing practice with support
  • Writers who wish to spot troubleshoot specific issues arising around either craft or process in the context of a developing project
  • People who would like to trial working together before committing to a term package

Unlike the terms, which are a mutual commitment with regularly scheduled meetings, availability for coaching and critique hourly consultations may be variable.

Cost: $220


There are many existing editing services that provide comprehensive manuscript assessment; working with a coach/mentor along the way can ensure a more supported writing process and a more optimal outcome.

Most mentoring services offer one-on-one sessions over a longer period, typically a set number of mentoring sessions over a period of some months. Written Word Coaching mentoring is structured to provide regular support. There are several options that assist in project development. Some writers with a substantially developed manuscript may be seeking more targeted support and don’t necessarily need beginning to end support. Others, may need support to get going and for the duration of the first draft. Others who already have a draft down may want manuscript assessment. For some, one period of mentoring might suffice. Others benefit from more ongoing support and may take up the option of signing up again.

While the options noted below state a set number of Zoom meetings and submissions for assessment and developmental editing, these are also flexible and can be negotiated.


This mentoring option offers a supportive environment for project development for writers who have a manuscript in development and need support on specific aspects of process, craft, or the manuscript itself. Feedback on craft and process from an experienced writing teacher and critically-acclaimed writer. Promotes time management and accountability.

  • 4 x 30 min Zoom meetings + 4 x max 4000-word prose submissions for assessment (poetry by negotiated number of pages)

Cost: $1700

Payment Options:

  • $300 deposit required to secure a place
  • $700 first instalment
  • $700 second instalment


This mentoring option offers a supportive environment and a deeper dive for people writing complex hybrid texts or trauma and/or family history-based narratives. This mentoring involves more intimate engagement around the process and craft challenges of writing hybrid or traumatic material, as well as addressing personal and ethical issues. Expert guidance by renowned trauma writer and researcher provided.

  • 6 x 30 min Zoom meetings + 6 x max 4000-word prose submissions for assessment (poetry by negotiated number of pages)

Cost: $2400

Payment Options:
  • $400 deposit required to secure a place
  • $1000 first instalment
  • $1000 second instalment


This mentoring option offers expert manuscript assessment and editing for completed trauma narratives or sections of a manuscript (minimum 5000 words) at an hourly rate. It includes a report on the manuscript with specific suggestions and editorial engagement.

This is recommended and most economical for people who have previously done Project Mentoring or Deep Dive Mentoring. At first/early draft stage Deep Dive Mentoring is often the better option.

Cost: $150 per hour


Business consultation is available for the public service sector, the community services sector and corporate writing on trauma and ethical storytelling. Written Word Coaching offers guidance supports workers exposed to research and writing related vicarious trauma promoting reflective practice, self-care, and methodologies for writing traumatic content in a respectful and engaging way.

Options include consultation with individual workers and bespoke online workshops. In-person workshops for Sydney delivery are also available.

Please get in touch to arrange a meeting.